Our Sock KAL site - come join us!

We're doing it. Knit-A-Long with us and the "Need A Sock?" book .

Your two KAL guides will be Deb Gemmell and Brenda Harris.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Grey Heron Knitters Finish Their Socks.

Ruth finished her sock in class and learned the Kitchener stitch to close the toes. Proud is too mild a word.
Diane, though forgot her knitting bag at home when she headed off to Southern climes for a week. She was ready to turn her heel this week.

There were promises though to have all socks complete by this Wednesday so they can be worn to our Christmas lunch. I'll keep you posted on that one.


  1. One sock done, hooray! And the Kitchener stitch conquered too. You have all made terrific progress. I hope Ruth finds that her socks make terrific travelling projects.

  2. I am so proud of Ruth, Diane and Arlene...
    I look forward to each week to see who has something finished to show off.
    Hats, scarves, mittens, pot holders, tea cozy,
    felted as well.... they have FUN... don't we all need more of that...
    Karen @ Grey Heron
