Our Sock KAL site - come join us!

We're doing it. Knit-A-Long with us and the "Need A Sock?" book .

Your two KAL guides will be Deb Gemmell and Brenda Harris.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

One sock DONE. Yay. It's a dark colour but beautiful in it's colour variation. And my husband tried it on and it fits.

The waffle is a terrific stitch pattern and a pleasure to knit.

I want to show you a tip for finishing the top of the sock.
Usually there is a gap on your cuff between the last cast on stitch (where the tail of yarn is attached) and the first cast on stitch. You can get rid of this gap when you sew the tail in. *Take your sewing up needle and insert it through the first cast on stitch from back to front.
Pull it through and take your needle to the back and insert it through the last cast on stitch from back to front.
By inserting both needles from back to front you have made a figure 8 with the yarn. The crossing of the figure 8 fills in the gap. Repeat from * once more.
Take the needle to the back and insert through the back of a stitch to secure. You may find that by sewing through the first cast on stitch twice you get a small hole. Thread your needle across this small hole and it will close.
Now thread the needle down one leg of a knit column of stitches of the ribbing and cut it off, you're done.
You now have a lovely even edge to your cast on.
Works a treat.

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